International meeting on the Right to Food


We want to generate a space for exchange, debate and collective construction with reference agents from different sectors that will allow us to raise the public discussion on the right to food and nutrition to decision-making spaces and to society in general.


Social and peasant organisations from different countries will participate in the meeting. Likewise, representatives of vulnerable groups as rights holders and political-institutional representatives, as duty bearers in guaranteeing the right to food, will be present and will have their own voice.

Methodology of the Meeting

Opening speeches

Before we get into the job, we would like to share with you all the frameworks and positions from which we will approach the debates and workshops. We will have experienced people and activists in different spaces in the defence of the Right to Food and Food Sovereignty from different countries.

Sectoral workshops

We will come together with our peers (primary sector, third sector of social intervention, academia, social movements, etc.) to debate and share ideas, proposals, doubts, fears and dreams.


It is time to share with others, to build alternatives with potential allies, to know what they propose and to analyse the possibilities of making something bigger together.


Where can I get hosted?

We don't have the resources to support accommodation for those of you coming from abroad to the conference, but we will give you a hand looking for the best options!
Write to us at

How will linguistic diversity be managed?

At Bizilur we are committed to the linguistic rights of all people, and for this reason we provide simultaneous translation and interpretation in English, Spanish and Basque.

Will there be a childcare service?

If you are going to need childcare, please let us know on the registration form and we will make arrangements for it.

How do I get to the venue by public transport?

Bilbobus: A5 & 62, Stop: Mazarredo 3

Metro: Moyua or Abando stop.

"Article 15 is drawn from the contemporary concept of the right to adequate food and nutrition which could be defined as the right, alone or in community with others, to be free from hunger and malnutrition2 , to have access at all times, physically and economically, to adequate (in quality and quantity), nutritious and culturally acceptable food or means for its procurement3 , in a sustainable manner and with dignity, ensuring the highest attainable standard of physical, emotional and intellectual development. Moreover, all these dimensions are inseparable from nutritional well-being and health, and must be interpreted in the framework of food sovereignty, gender equality and women's rights.


UNDROP-United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Peasants and Other People Working in Rural Areas

Contact us

San Francisco Municipal Center

Plaza Corazón de María s/n 48003

Bilbao, Basque Country


About Bizilur

Bizilur-Association for the Cooperation and Development of Peoples is an assembly association. It is clear to us that the causes of poverty, inequality and oppression suffered by individuals and peoples are to be found in the system of multiple domination in which we live: neoliberal, imperialist and heteropatriarchal.

We believe that social movements are the capable and legitimate subjects to confront this system by reflecting, denouncing and implementing alternatives that build other models of life that are anti-capitalist, respectful, emancipated and liveable.

For 15 years, we have been accompanying social movements in the Basque Country and internationally that deepen and translate these proposals into each reality. We promote processes that place life and its sustainability at the centre. And at the centre of life, food.

We work from a feminist perspective to transform not only the what, but also the how. For this reason, we work in alliance with other feminist collectives, trying to advance in the reflection and change of relationships, ways of doing, care, representation... so that we all live lives that are worth living.